Join Us

Register and get access to:
  • Addition (+) & Subtraction (-)
  • Multiplication & Division (x / ÷)
  • Comparisons (< = >)
  • Ads free game
Monthly subscription
5 EUR/month

The subscription will not renew automatically. You may choose to extend it for another month, when it ends. Or switch to yearly payments.

Pay safely with PayPal

Yearly subscription
45 EUR/year

The subscription will not renew automatically. You may choose to extend it for another year, when it ends. Or switch to monthly payments.

Pay safely with PayPal

By registering as a member you agree to our Terms & Conditions

How payment process works

  1. Click on the payment Buy now for Monthly or Yearly Subscription.
  2. You will be taken to the secure PayPal payment environment.
  3. Complete the payment.
  4. Once the Payment is confirmed, the appropriate membership account will be created for you, according to the payment.
  5. You will receive an email that contains a special link to complete the registration.
  6. When you click on that special link in the email it will bring you to the registration page and let you choose a “username” and “password” for your account.
  7. Then you will be able to login and play full featured, ad free game version.
If you do not receive an email with registration link after payment, please write us at We will send you the link. Please include: your PayPal email, date of payment and transaction ID.
We offer 5 days money-back guarantee. To qualify for the money back, you need to send us an email with the request of a refund to no later than the 5-th day of your membership. The money will be refunded to your PayPal account.